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really great stuff. loved how its organized and how friendly the writing is, information is super accessible, story flow is all really well designed. even the examples of play are well written, conversational & welcoming but informative and targeted towards a specific experience. innovation in the fall of magic-inspired sector that I've been seeking in a tight concise package. really ticks all my boxes, 5-star game.

this game is a thoughtful, desolate exploration of toxic masculinity and folly, into the worst place in the world. eli seitz and eli kurtz have struck a perfect balance between historicity and presence, making me eager to learn  more about scott's 1912 exploration but leaving me comfortable in the details provided. for historical roleplaying, this is the magician's trick, and the they nail it every time.

it's a game with a second act turn so good, i wish i didn't read it. i wish i ran this game blind, in late winter, in my apartment with no-good heat wearing a too-big sweater. i want to strategically hit my head so i forget the second act turn. i obviously won't spoil it here.

the layout is fresh snow clean, and the map design is exemplary. the tone of the work is communicated throughout.

the last place on earth explores futility and lost hope, moreso the absolute rejection of hope, that it's hope's fault for getting us into this, this deep, in this part of the year.